
Dried Taiwan Sour Mango 順泰烘焙情人果

Sale: $8.00
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120.00 Grams

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Product Description

Taiwan Green Mango is known for its sourness. After peeling and pickling, they are baked under low heat to create a crisp and simmering taste. Each piece is sliced and ready to eat snack. Also great for cooking and baking. Comes in a sealed bag that is resealable like a zip lock bag. 150 grams per bag.

Shun Tai was formed in 1937. For 80 years, the company insisted on keeping the traditional taste. This factory passed ISO 22000 and HACCP food safety certification.

以酸取勝的芒果青,散發微微泥土香氣, 翠綠外表下,是層層扎實果肉, 等待去皮、醃漬去除芒果青的澀味, 餘留淡淡芒果清香, 經過手工烘焙後,口感清脆又涮嘴! 順泰蜜餞創立於1937年. 品牌成立至今80年, 一直堅持保留傳統口味. 工廠通過SGS, HACCP食品安全認證.