Product Description
Herbal Ginger Duck Soup Base 薑母鴨
全程在台灣生產,檢驗合格: 不含重金屬,無農藥殘留,不添加調味料.
包裝上都有簡單詳細的料理方法. 保存期限是兩年,若30天內不使用,請冷藏 /凍保存.
藥膳養生,內容組成: 當歸、黃耆、草果、川芎、桂尖、紅棗、芍藥、桂子、山奈、甘草等漢方純素原料
100% Vegetarian, contains no meat products and no preservatives. Over 120 years of experience.
Storage: below 7 C
Shelf Life: two years
1. Blanch meat in boiling water and remove.
2. Put meat, herbs bag and 2500-3500cc cold water in a pot and bring them to a boil.
3. Reduce heat to low, simmer for 60 minutes and add salt.