Product Description
The 30-year-old shop has inherited the unique flavor and taste. The crust is made of high-grade shrimp blue diamond shrimp and squid paste. The taste is rich and refreshing. The skin is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. Comes with 2 sauce pack.
Specifications: 2 pieces/pack, 480 grams in total
Net weight of sauce bag: 25 grams/bag
* The factory has passed ISO22000, HACCP food safety certification.
Cooking method:
1. Put the pan cake directly in the pan, and fry in oil over low heat until golden brown
2. Deep-fry the pan cake directly on low heat until golden brown
興達港歐董三十年老店傳承了獨特的風味與口感. 以潤餅皮貼合高檔蝦界藍鑽蝦仁與花枝漿而成, 內餡能品嘗鮮甜藍鑽蝦仁與彈牙花枝,口感豐富、清爽,搭配帶有淡淡米香和麵糰香氣的酥脆潤餅皮、外酥內嫩、香氣撲鼻,使人食指大動。內附醬包.
規格:2片/包 共480公克
醬包淨重:25公克/包 (2入)
* 工廠通過 ISO22000, HACCP食品安全認證.
1. 將月亮花枝蝦餅直接置於平底鍋,並以小火半油煎至金黃色即可食用。
2. 將月亮花枝蝦餅直接小火油炸,至金黃色即可食用。