
Cuttlefish Ball 花枝丸

Sale: $11.00
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400.00 Grams

Product Description

Cuttlefish Ball 花枝丸

Ou Don Carefully select fresh deep-sea cuttlefish, wrapped with fish paste, and then carefully cook it with the craftsmanship. Each piece completely retains the sweetness and freshness of the cuttlefish and fish paste.You can taste the crispy squid in every bite, whether it is deep fried, or boiled. Cooking method: Put it into boiling water 5 minutes until floats. Best for hot pot or soups. *Factory passed ISO22000, HACCP food safety certification.

歐董嚴選新鮮花枝,以魚漿包裹Q彈花枝肉,揉碾而出滑口鮮甜漿體,再經過匠師手藝精心烹調,每一顆都完整保留花枝鮮甜與漿體美味,口感飽滿扎實,無論煎煮炒炸,都使人回味無窮 每一口都能吃到脆彈花枝肉,最佳的火鍋配料. 調理方式 : 投入滾水中,5分鐘浮起即可. 火鍋, 煮湯的絕配! * 工廠通過 ISO22000, HACCP食品安全認證.